3 Most Common Mistakes Made By Energists In Their Practices

If you are watching this video the likelihood is that you are an Energist.

So, here is a question for you?

Are you achieving the level of success you desire in your practice?

Perhaps you are making one of the following most common mistakes:

1. You are not seeing yourself as a business person
2. You are not doing any personal development
3. Or, you have just quit before you could see any success

Please watch and I hope it helps you in your practice.

Don't forget to like, comment, share and subscribe to the channel.

With all my love,


PS If you'd like to have a chat about becoming an energist get in touch with me jorgevence.goe.ac/ - www.jorgevence.com or visit The Guild of Energists website: GOE.ac to find out more about Modern Energism
